Sunday, May 6, 2012

puisi diri =)

diri masih tercari-cari,
akan hakikat kebenaran yang tersembunyi,
mend0ngak ke langit menagih simpati,
sujud ke bumi mengharap dikasihi,
dari Tuhan Yang Maha Suci 

 hampir dua dekad meniti kehidupan duniawi,
 masih berusaha memerangi nafsu sendiri,
ternyata kadang kala tewas memakan diri,
namun kuasa-Nya memenuhi alam ini,
jatuh bangun masih berdiri,
berkat rahmat daripada Ilahi

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

teguran Ilahi

Assalamualaikum n slmt ptg!! =)))

Dah lama nk tls dlm bl0g ni, tp terlupa email n p/w0rd nk l0g in..hu3..
currently at my bel0ved h0me, preparing anat0my part f0r pr0 exam revisi0n f0r my gr0up ^.^'''
yesterday, s0mething big happen t0 me yg membuatkn rse brslh yg teramat sngt t0wards my parents
And h0w great Allah is, He pay me in cash! hu3..
Plus, dpt nasihat2 indah drpd adik2 yg br berusia 6 n 8 tahun.. ;))
this made me realize that everytg we d0, we have t0 be sincere and always remember that Allah is watching us..

I w0uld like 2 share s0mething as a reminder f0r all 0f us, ab0ut surah Luqman, insya-Allah =))
as every0ne kn0ws, Luqman adalah se0rang hamba Allah yg s0leh, dan dikurniakan Allah dgn ilmu pengetahuan dan hikmah kebijaksanaan. Nasihat2 hamba Allah terhadap anaknya ini telah dirakamkan dalam al-Quran yang mulia iaitu;

  • jangan mempersekutukan Allah (dgn sesuatu yg lain), sesungguhnya perbuatan syirik itu adalah satu kezaliman yg besar
  •  bersyukurlah kepada Allah
  • Allah mewajibkan manusia berbuat baik kepada kedua-dua ibu bapa
  • bergaullah dengan mereka di dunia dengan cara yang baik
  • Allah akan menghakimi sesuatu perkara (yg baik atau buruk) sekalipun seberat biji sawi, yg tersembunyi di dalam batu besar atau di langit @ di bumi
  • dirikanlah s0lat
  • suruhlah berbuat kebaikan, laranglah drpd melakukan perbuatan yg mungkar
  • bersabarlah atas segala bala bencana yg menimpamu
  • janganlah memalingkan muka (memandang rendah) kpd manusia
  • jangan berjalan di bumi dgn berlagak s0mb0ng, takbur lg bangga diri
  • bersederhana dalam langkahmu dan rendahkanlah suaramu
petikan dari ayat 13-19, Surah Luqman, Tafsir Pimpinan Ar-Rahman

sem0ga kita dpt mengamalkan nasihat2 indah ini dalam kehidupan kita. Sem0ga kita sentiasa menyayangi dan berbakti kpd kedua-dua ibu bapa yg banyak berjasa kpd kita.

Ya Allah, aku mem0h0n agar ibu bapaku sentiasa gembira dengan kehadiranku, jauhilah aku drpd menjadi punca kesedihan mereka, ampunilah dan kasihanilah mereka Ya Allah, sesungguhnya mereka berdua adalah insan2 yg amat aku sayangi..

Monday, January 23, 2012

the true leader, Sultan Muhammad al-Fateh =)


salam semua! =) it's my sec0nd day writing 0n pelangi =) Prophet Muhammad (peace be up0n him) 0nce said,  (i rephrase) the str0ngest pers0n is the 0ne wh0 can c0ntr0l his anger.

I 0nce read ab0ut  Sultan Muhammad al-Fateh, and I realized that he deserved the gl0ry that he achieved in freeing Constantinople (which is n0w kn0wn as Istanbul).He had all the extra0rdinary and awes0me characters t0 be ch0sen b0th in leading his c0untry and armies which t0day's leaders sh0uld reflect up0n themselves. He was driven and m0tivated by the saying fr0m Rasulullah S.A.W which was rec0rded by Imam Ahmad:
"Constantinople will fall on the hand 0f Muslims army. The King is the greatest am0ng all as well as the armies"
Since then, he practiced hard in ensuring the 0ne said in the hadith was him, with his armies. And it was pr0ven that he was true.This great hist0ry is very inspiring and n0w he b0c0me 0ne 0f my inspired pe0ple in my life =) u can read the rest 0f the st0ry with the link below:

What i want t0 highlighted here is that, i'm very impressed with his character. He never left tahajjud prayer since he reached his puberty. Can u imagine that? Such a y0ung and str0ng leader with great spiritual beliefs which later bec0me the ic0n 0f muslims leader. How w0nderful Islam is. The beauty of the religi0n itself reflects the characters 0f great muslim individuals. =))

Allah is very fair. He give rewards t0 th0se wh0 is willing t0 put eff0rts in whatever they d0.  Hope that we als0 can give c0ntributi0ns t0 the religi0n and the w0rld, like the great leader, Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh. Insya-Allah =)))

Sunday, January 22, 2012

beginning a new j0urney..

Salam =)).. Alhamdulillah, after 2 years keeping my bl0g "d0rmant", i finally have the willing t0 start writing and sharing the things with the w0rld! insya-Allah =)

If i'm n0t mistaken,  it was ar0und 2009, when i saw my frens writing 0n their bl0gs during my f0undati0n year. Frankly speaking, there wasn't a sense 0f desire 0f having my 0wn bl0g during that time. Plus, i didn't think that i have the interest t0 bec0me a bl0gger.

But, as i grew up, i realize that i kinda like reading articles, bl0gs, c0lumns etc.etc. and n0w, here i am! starting t0  be active in writing as i think it's a g0od medium 0f sharing 0ur ideas, 0pini0ns, views etc.etc. 

0k then, i sh0uld st0p by n0w, have a w0nderful life every0ne! remember, Allah always love us, s0 be happy! =)))